Sunday, February 24, 2008

Conflict Diamond

Diamonds are the most precious stones in the world. Have you ever thought of how they get from the earth to onto your finance's finger? I will describe the important locations along the trade route these most valuable of rock pass.

Since a long time, diamonds were a stone which used in trade and it is an extremely expensive compared to other jewelries. South Africa have most of the world diamond and they take it from their to the other part of world. De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. In Johannesburg, in South Africa is the biggest company and they are producing most of the world rough diamond trade. The company strategy was to restrict the amount of diamond on the market which keep the prices high.

Antwerp is a city in Belgium which has been a diamond trade center for about 600 years and as known about it that most of world’s rough diamonds pass through this city. There are only a small number of employees who work as polishers and cutters in the city which is about 1,500 in their.

In India, there are a huge number of people who are working in cutting and polishing diamonds. About 90% of the world’s diamond are cut and polished in India and what makes Indian work in this is that they get 40%

Dubai becomes well-known in diamond hub. UAE government has a deal with the traders and there is no tax for 50 years for them. And as it is known, the business in Dubai worth more than a 1billion British pound.

Pop star like diamonds as well and specially hip hop stars and they made songs about the diamond as well, and by wearing diamonds they show that they are successful to the people.


Bmeer said...

Hi, great profile well written. Yasser

ِAli Al Hammadi said...

Thanks for passing by Yasser.