Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"blood diamond" reaction

First of all, liked the movie, because it gave me new information and showed me the true conflict diamond issue
The movie shows us how people suffer from the conflict diamond issue. From the movie I knew many things that I haven’t ever thought about. Like how they transport the diamond and how they even get it. Before I watch the movie, what was in my mind is that the conflict diamond is something like stolen diamond, or even smuggled. But when I watched the movie I was shocked from what I’ve seen. It was terrible how rebellious treat their own people. They kill their children and rape their women with no mercy in their heart. What really shocked how they took kids and they make them their own soldiers and even make them killers without emissions.

I liked the movie because it tells us the truth that we haven’t known and we haven’t even paid attention for. The good thing about the movie is that it shows the world how people suffer there so they will care when they buy diamond.

Monday, March 10, 2008



“The land of milk and honey”, that’s what Lebanon is called in the bible. Lebanese’s suffered a lot in their history, whether it was because of wars or invades or the terrorism problems the country has.

Beirut, a city in Lebanon which has the nickname of “Paris of the East”, is a wonderful city in Lebanon, it is the capital of the country.

Lebanon has a geographic location which it lays between five countries, and that what make it in the heart of the Middle East.

Many famous celebrities in the world have roots from Lebanon but they live in other countries because of what their families suffered long time ago and they had to leave the country.

In the last few decades, Lebanon had a conflict and people struggled to survive from what they’ve been through. Since 1940’s, there was a conflict between Christians and Muslims and that caused both sides a lot of sacrifices and the country itself suffered the most. In the end, Syria had to send an army to try and stop both sides and it ended with blood shed and the division of the country.

In 1980’s , Israel invaded Beirut to try and remove the Palestinian so they won’t unite and organize in Lebanon, and many people died because of that till almost 7 years later which they had a peace deal.

The human and economics lost a lot because of the conflict, more than hundred thousands died and a more wounded and a huge number who left the country. The country’s economy was paralyzed.

After the end of the wars, the people started to rebuild the country and tried to revive what they lost. The country still has some problems after all these things ended, mostly because of how huge their loss was.


"Eye in Lebanon." Gloabaleye.Org.Uk. 10 Mar. 2008 .