Monday, April 28, 2008

"An Inconvenient Truth" reaction

First of all, I thought the movie was kind of boring because I didn’t know what it was about, but when I started to get the movie’s idea and I knew what Al Gore is talking about, I started to know what all these charts and pictures in the movie are about and what they mean.
I was shocked when I saw how the issue is big and that really made me feel that we have to do something, because everybody can make a difference.
I know now that what is happening in the earth is horrible and the biggest problem is all because of us..!
In the movie, they showed us how terrible the global warming issue affects the earth, how fast and huge the effect and its impact.
I think the movie was good and it gave us all the information we need to start and take a step ahead for a green earth with less emissions because we have to make a better earth for the next generation.

AIT summary

The movie starts with a nice quite scene that shows us how the nature is beautiful and how amazing can it be. Al Gore, the ex-vice president of the U.S, is the main character in the movie; he is talking about the global warming issue and its huge impact on earth.
Al Gore starts talking about the earth and shows how it looks from the space and show and explains some things like vegetation, how the earth’s sources are, and how the earth heat procedure happens.
Al Gore talks about what, when and why he started to think seriously about the global warming as an extremely dangerous issue.
When Al Gore was at the Congress he tried to do something but they ignored him after that.
Along with the rising in the carbon emissions, some affects has started to happen like ice glaciers melting in cold areas all over the world and that when scientists compared the ice layers and saw how it used to be and how it is now; they found that the results are shocking and if what they predict is really going to happens, the consequences are going to be fatal for the earth.
Al Gore talks about how CO2 affects the temperature and that causes much damage to the surface and the oceans.
Al Gore talks about a personal tragedy which was the death of his sister and the impact of it on him and what decisions he made after that.
There was a political issue, like the Kyoto protocol which the U.S didn’t agree to sign.
With the increasing of population on earth, more supplies are needed and that mean more logging and the need for more power and many many other things which consume the earth’s supplies.
In the end, he showed us that this is our only home and we have to work to do.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Intro to cool cities

In my project I’m going to research and discuss the global warming issue in the world and in Abu Dhabi particularly. We should start to think more about our carbon emission and carbon footprints because the life style that we are living is affecting the earth and the huge impact of it will leave nothing for the next generations.
There have been many changes in many countries all over the world to try and do something, and as we can see these days, cool cities are one of the best solutions to reduce emissions. In the UAE, particularly in Abu Dhabi there are new projects to try and reduce emission because our country has a one of the biggest carbon footprint per person and the government is thinking critically and working on new projects like “Masdar City” which will turn the city to a cool city as the government hope. Governments should act quickly because more time means more damage to the earth.