Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Intro to cool cities

In my project I’m going to research and discuss the global warming issue in the world and in Abu Dhabi particularly. We should start to think more about our carbon emission and carbon footprints because the life style that we are living is affecting the earth and the huge impact of it will leave nothing for the next generations.
There have been many changes in many countries all over the world to try and do something, and as we can see these days, cool cities are one of the best solutions to reduce emissions. In the UAE, particularly in Abu Dhabi there are new projects to try and reduce emission because our country has a one of the biggest carbon footprint per person and the government is thinking critically and working on new projects like “Masdar City” which will turn the city to a cool city as the government hope. Governments should act quickly because more time means more damage to the earth.

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