Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Profile

Hello my classmates, friends and bloggers. How are you guys doing, hope you are enjoying blogging as much as I do. That is my profile, and I'm going to talk about my life and I will talk about it my life now, my past and what I want to be in the future, briefly.
First of all, I'm Ali Abdulraheem Ali Al Hammadi, I was born in Sharjah in Feb, 3rd, 1988. And that means that I'm 20 years old. I study at Abu Dhabi Men's College. I'm in level two and I choose business as my major.
I have 5 brothers and 5 sisters. I'm not sure why, but people think our family is big! And I agree with that. My elder brother Khaled which will "Enshallah" finish his studies in the U.S by the end of May this year, is the one I like to be with among my other brothers, and that might be because he's my elder and the rest are younger than me. I think that since I was a kid, I always wanted to be like him because he is so ambitious, creative and funny.

When I was a kid we didn't settled at one place because of my father's work. I lived about 3 years in Sharjah since I was born and after that we came to Abu Dhabi, and lived here for about 2 years which was the time I was in Kenny garden, after that we went back to Sharjah and lived there for two more years and we came back to settle at Abu Dhabi until now, and I think that I will never live in Sharjah again because it become horrible with all the traffic jam there.

When I was at primary school, I had troubles with learning and I was a lazy student. I still don't know if it was because of the teachers I had or because of me. But in mid school my grades has gone up and I improved a lot than I used to be thanks to the great teachers that I had. When I was a kid I always dreamt of having sport cars and I was, or let me say that I'm still have the same passion to drive fast cars and feel the adrenalin in my body when I drive sport cars.

In the main time, if I put my studying aside, I a totally different person outside the college. Most of the people know me as a quit person who's shy and never talk. But when I go out I go "wild". I'm lively, when I'm with my friends; I talk all the time and to move. I'm full of happiness and I hate being with people who tend to be sad and closed, because they make me feel like I did something wrong and make me feel depressed. At the same time, I like when someone come to me and asks me for help when he has a problem because I feel that he know that I can help him and that make me feel happy.

I have many interests. First of all, I like swimming, and that's something that I have to do in the summer, sometimes here at Abu Dhabi, Dubai at Jumairah beach and In Sharjah. I think that's good because it's a sport which is good for the body and I can enjoy my time being with my friends at the same time. Most of the time I like set in my room and that's when I'm not doing anything and spend hours in PC games and in my friend's website. Everyday at about 7:30 pm. I go with my friends and run for half hour, I started to do that after my I had some health problems because of the way I live.

Friendship means everything to me, but at these days finding true friends that understand you is impossible. Since I was a kid, I had a friend that I understand me and he's everything to me, he's like the brother, this friend's name is Abdullah.

We spent most of the time together and we always hang out together since 3rd grade. And my mother has become his mother's friend now.
There are many things that I don't like and others that I used to do but not anymore. One the things that I never like to do is traveling. I traveled once in my whole life and that was by car with my family, we went to the KSA and Kuwait and the trip took us two weeks. I will never forget that holiday because it was amazing but after we came back and I don't know what changed, but I don't want to travel. This year I started to hate watching TV. And I feel much better because I have time to do other things like sit with my family.

In the future, first thing I want to do is to complete my studies and to have bachelor degree because I think that at this time HD level is considered as Diploma, so I have to get a higher education levels and to achieve something in my life. As all of us want, I dream of having a fancy car, a nice job and a lovely wife. But nothing come just like that, I have to work to do that.
And that's as my friend Obaid call it "my life in lines". hope you enjoyed reading my profile and thanks for your time.


Frankie Sutton said...

A great profile

ِAli Al Hammadi said...

You are the teacher, if you say that it's great I think it is. ^^
Thanks Frankie.