Friday, June 6, 2008

(The last post) Conclusion

In the article, the author Johann Hari talk about the global warming issue and he says that what people is doing right now is not really effective, and the governments should act on their own. He thinks that these small steps and the small things that people do, won't really have an impact that will be good or can help reduce the global warming effects. He said that what people are doing isn't effective if they work as individuals, but if they want to do something they have to be as groups or to put it in another way, put hands on hands and participate in environmentally organizations to help or else what they do is nothing because the organizations can put pressure on governments and force them to act. Because what the governments can do is much bigger than what we can do. .

In my opinion, I disagree with the writer in many things. Like he said that we can't do anything individually, and what we are doing won't have a big effect and we can't act alone. I think if every single one of us does these small steps of changing and worked hard for them that will change a lot, because if we looked at a 3 planets carbon footprint person and he reduce it to 1 or 1 and a half we will see that if a million person did that as well, the effect will be really huge and they will reduce the CO2 rates amazingly. On the other hand, he said that governments must do the big steps to deal with the issue, and that's right, we know that we can do the small things but most of the job should be done by the government.

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