Friday, June 6, 2008

(SDSJ) Cool Cities

The revolution of industry and what effects and fatal damages it caused to earth because of it is really dangerous and we have to make an immediate change and start to change before it's too late. Many issues occurred during the last century and the effect is more than what our earth can handle. Problems like increasing of the population and the industry isn't something small and it consuming the earth's natural materials really fast. If we keep going like that we will have to replace our planet or we need to get another one, but that's something that can't be done, so all we can do is to try and keep or let me say save our precious planet. Many people started in the last decades to team-up together and they created many organizations like SDSJ, which meant to work and create societies that are called "cool cities". The idea started in Japan and they were trying to do as much as they can to build theses cities and at the same time to make normal cities do things and sign on agreements, to try and reduce emissions and the carbon dioxide each city produce. And that's to become more environmentally friendly and the same time helps our earth and use less products.

Cool cities depend on alternative energy sources that produce less carbon and it will decrease the emissions. In the cool cities there will be like electric cars or solar vehicles and many other transportation but mostly they will depend on cleaner energy sources. The buildings will be built by using special methods and they will try to use new technologies to heat or cool them. They are aiming to reduce over 60% of emissions each city produce and that's possible if everybody acted together and we put our hands together.

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