Thursday, June 5, 2008

What should Abu Dhabi do to make people aware of global warming

To become a cool city we have to do many things, but before we even start that, Abu Dhabi must do many things to make people living here aware of the global warming, because we can't start solving the problem if there are many people which they don't know about global warming, or they only have a shallow image about this huge issue that's destroying our world. I'll give some ideas about what Abu Dhabi can do to make people more aware about the issue.
  • Teach kids at schools and show them what is global warming because they are the next generations and if they don't know what they are facing, they won't care about it because they won't know how big is the situation
  • Talk with people and ask them about global warming and what they know about it, because that will give them and the others more information about it
  • Discuss the issue in local TV's or radio stations to talk about it, so people can call and give there opinions to benefit the others
  • Make a special part in the newspapers that covers 1 or 2 pages that is only talk about global warming, because there is a huge number of people that reads newspapers
these are some steps that we should do to make people aware and to start and focus on the global warming issue as serious problem and put efforts to reduce it's effects on our planet.

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