Wednesday, June 4, 2008

P & S .My Carbon Footprint

Nowadays, with the dramatic growing of the global warming issue, we all hear a term called "Carbon Footprint". Carbon footprint is a measurement our daily activities and what their impact on the earth and especially on the air.

When I measured my own carbon footprint, I found that it's 3.31 planets and I was shocked to see that, because I thought I would not even cross 2.5 planets. In my essay, I'm going to discuss the problem and try to find some possible solutions for it.

One main problem is that I use my car us the only was of transportation and I drive a big car so it burn a lot of fuel which produce a lot of carbon.

Another problem is that I eat a lot of meat and fish. I'm used to eating meat or fish every day at least once and I have to change that.

A further problem is electricity usage, which is a minor problem but considered a problem as well.

One solution is that the government should make trains that connect the whole city so people can use trains instead of cars and that will help in many thing like; reducing the amount of carbon. And at the same time it will reduce the traffic in the city because people won't use cars a lot, but they will use train or even buses if we have a good transportation system for both buses and trains. Another solution is in the food part. I can eat less fish and meat every day, and eat more vegetables or other food products. A further solution is to try and use solar energy or any other energy source that is cleaner or natural so it will make a difference if everybody does that.

In conclusion, transportation is my main problem and I have to find better ways to reduce using my car and reduce emissions. There are many solutions that I can follow to reduce my Carbon Footprint and if everybody tries and does the same that will make a huge difference and carbon emission rates will decrease and that means global warming effects will become less dangerous.

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