Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Planet Living

If everyone lived like an average North American we would need five planets.If everyone lived like an average European we would need three planets.If everyone lived like an average Emirati we would need seven planets.Our global warming footprint grew by 0.7 between 1961 and 2003. it is now 30% above the planet's biological capacity to support life on earth.The WWF have ten principles which is called One Planet Living.

Masdar City is going to follow this principles:

  1. Zero Carbon:

Try and reduce the carbon footprint and the global warming emissions on the world.

  1. Zero Waste:

Wasting used products can cause problems; we have to recycle if possible

  1. Sustainable transport:

Use alternative technology for transportation that are clean and reduce global warming effects.

  1. Local and sustainable materials:

Use materials that are locally made so it will be better for the environment

  1. Local and Sustainable food:

Try and grow food locally, or even use the local food so there won't be any need for import and export which make a lot of problems because of the transportation.

  1. Sustainable water:

Try and supply the water locally plus using environmentally friendly ways to do it.

  1. Natural habitats and wildlife:

Make the green area bigger and wider so there will be more places for trees and animals to live in.

  1. Culture and heritage:

Try and make building designs like it used to be in the past, but more efficient.

  1. Equity and fair trade:

Fair trade and make sure poor countries will have a fair trade and what happens on the other part of the world won't affect them whether it's "locally or globally".

  1. Health and happiness:

The air is cleaner so the people are healthier and they tend to be happier.

I think that Equity and fair trade plus zero carbon will be a challenge for the Masdar city because it's hard to keep carbon at this rate. They might do it, but there is always a problems when doing huge projects like that, or that's what I'm thinking at least. And the fair trade as well, as I understood from what i read about it. I think it's kind of hard to apply it perfectly in the city.

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